We celebrated dad's 70th birthday with a bang this year. Corina and Cornelia spearheaded the effort to put on a special party at his home. Usually our extended family is enough to fill the house, but this time we invited 20 of his closest friends from church to join us. There was barbeque, pasta and potato salads, delicious appetizers and exquisite desserts. The highlight of the party was when dad's friends began to share what an impact he has had on their lives. They told of his generosity when they were in need, the hospitality he extended when they had just come from Romania and felt alone, the way he was always ready to lend a hand when they needed help with car repairs, etc. We laughed, we cried, it was wonderful. It's sad that we usually reminisce this way about someone after he's gone. I'm so glad that dad got a chance to hear this while he is still with us.